Friday, April 10, 2009

10 Reasons Why You Should Vote Yes for the Public Transportation Mileage in Kalamazoo

1. Our public transportation helps keep people in productive jobs and preparing for productive jobs, with two-thirds of riders using the services for work or school.

2. Our public transportation system is an important factor in the overall viability of our local and regional economy, with high-tech employers saying having a public transportation system is “very important” for business location and re-location.

3. Our public transportation system is a collaborative, inter-connected network that coordinates bus routes
with demand/response service, reducing duplication of services.

4. Our public transportation system provides more than three million rides per year in Kalamazoo County.

5. Our public transportation system is well utilized, providing more than 70 percent more rides than it did a decade ago.

6. Our public transportation system provides well-known, documented environmental and economic benefits to the community, state and nation, including cleaner air, less traffic congestion and decreased reliance on foreign oil

7. Our public transportation system transports elderly and disabled citizens to receive important services throughout Kalamazoo County.

8. Our public transportation system helps individuals who can’t afford private transportation to medical appointments, meetings and life-enriching experiences.

9. Our public transportation system will require only four-tenths of one mill for four years outside the City of Kalamazoo, less than the levy that expired at the end of 2008 for out-county residents.

10. Our public transportation system will require one mill within the City of Kalamazoo, the same as that approved by voters in 1998 and less than that approved by city voters in 2006.

The vote takes place in the city of Kalamazoo on Tuesday May 5th, 2009.

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