Friday, January 1, 2010

Earned Income Tax Credit a boon to working families

"Kimberly Lee Brown is an Americorps VISTA worker in her second term with Southwest Community Action Agency," per the Dowagiac Daily News.

"Kim intends to move her family out of poverty within the next three years, and she wants to take others with her.

“My goal is to reach 200 families this tax season. You wouldn’t believe how thankful people are just to get that money back they have waited all year for. When we tell them it won’t cost them one dime, some of them actually get tears in their eyes.”"

The Cass County Earned Income Tax Coalition (EITC) is seeking volunteers to help with tax preparation for low income citizens. Local EITC coalitions, or AARP groups which also provide assistance to seniors and other low income tax payers, are preparing for tax season in earnest.

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