Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Volunteers share books and life experiences with summer-school students to help summer reading programs

More than 60 volunteers are helping students by sharing their love of reading this summer. In addition, they are also talking to students about collegiate and career experiences. The students range from pre-kindergartners through fifth-graders.

As a Big Brother volunteer, I understand how challenging it can be to get a disinterested child to read. The work being done by these volunteers is commendable. It takes a lot of time and work to sit with children, helping them navigate obstacles and inspiring them to pursue reading further. For students who have fallen behind in their reading level, the prospect "catching up" is not only a lot of work, but can also bring up feelings of embarrassment.
Bagels and Books is funded by KPS and organized by Kalamazoo Communities in Schools). Coco Pratt-Cook, KCIS director of mentoring and tutoring, said the event supports a districtwide literacy focus and gives community members a chance to get involved in local schools and help promote a college-bound culture.

The volunteers included Kalamazoo City Commissioner Don Cooney, Kalamazoo Promise Executive Director Janice Brown and Kalamazoo Public Schools board President Carol McGlinn.

Students each were allowed to take home one book. The books were supplied to KPS at discounted rates by Michigan News Agency and Kazoo Books and donated by the Kalamazoo Early Reading First program.
Read the full article:

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