Thursday, July 14, 2011

All of Michigan's problems are now solved because fewer poor people will be on welfare

Commentary from MLive:

The Senate on Wednesday struck a blow for democracy and Michiganders everywhere when it
voted to cap welfare benefits at four years.

That move will save Michigan's General Fund $64 million and it will also kick 12,600 people off welfare rolls starting in October. They were living large with an average check of $511 per month. That's equivalent to a nice car payment for many middle class folk (read: people who work in Lansing), unless you're spreading out payments over 80 years to drive a ride you can't really afford.

What will this mean for you? Not much, but judging from MLive comments, people seem to think it will be a big deal.

Does it mean you'll get better schools for your kids and better customer service from the Secretary of State? Umm ... I wouldn't hold my breath...

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