Saturday, March 31, 2012

March 31: Celebrating Cesar Chavez Day

"To be human is to suffer for others. God help us to be human."
 - Cesar Chavez

Cesar Chavez, born on 3/31/1927.   California, Colorado, and Texas have state-wide holidays and remembrances.

The Neglect of Mental Illness Exacts a Huge Toll

Mental health care is one of the biggest unmet needs of our time. Nearly one in two people in the U.S.will suffer from depression, anxiety disorders or another mental health ailment at some point in their life, and about one in 17 Americans currently has a serious mental illness. Young people are especially prone to these troubles. Yet millions of people living with these conditions do not receive the care they require...

...Mental illness strikes without regard for economic class, but the strain is acute for people with low incomes. About one in six adults living at just above the poverty line or lower has severe mental health problems.