Tuesday, July 20, 2010

NPR: Eating Nutritiously A Struggle When Money Is Scarce

The battle to provide nutritious food for low-income families continues to generate national media buzz. An NPR report dialogues some of the obstacles families face, specifically focusing on getting picky children to eat healthy foods on a limited budget. A particular quote stood out from the report:
"You can get leaner cuts of meat, but then they're more expensive. You can get fresh fruit every couple of days and blow half of your budget on fresh fruits and vegetables in a week's time, easy."
In Michigan, the maximum amount an individual can receive for EBT benefits is $200 dollars a month. Families can receive more depending on their income and amount of children.

Think about this: $200/month food budget amounts to about $6.50 per day.

Could you create a healthy, nutritious budget for yourself with a $6.50 day budget? If so, would it leave your taste buds anguishing? Do you think your children would happily enjoy it?

Read the full article: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=128621057&sc=fb&cc=fp

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